About Us

The clinical FRACP exam is held at each of our sites every year so you will get an opportunity to get exposed to the exam process. Across our three sites, we also have both local and national RACP examiners

The St Vincent’s – Campbelltown – Wagga Wagga Network is a medium size training network. Our philosophy is that no trainee will be lost in our system. We select great trainees and will support them to achieve much more than just passing the exam.

We support our trainees to become great clinicians, really enjoy the exam preparation and have the best possible advanced training opportunities. Our comprehensive clinical experience offers every sub-specialisation, but we are not so big that the system becomes more important than the individual.

Our approach to wellbeing is comprehensive, individualised and doesn’t take itself too seriously!

St Vincents’ encompasses both the public and private healthcare systems, a unique situation that allows for a more selective and independent approach to supporting training.
The core values of St Vincent’s Healthcare Australia are compassion, justice, integrity and excellence.